Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Prayer Center

I certainly fear the Lord.

We've all heard this phrase; the command to "fear the Lord" is found all over. Psalms and Proverbs are particularly saturated with it:

  • "Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."

            -Proverbs 1:7

  • "Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom."

            -Psalm 111:10

  • "The secret of the LORD [is] with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant."                                         -Psalm 25:14

My whole life, I thought I thought this "fear" meant to simply be reverent to the power and majesty of God. In fact, growing up in Sunday school, I was taught that this fear was specifically not that typical don't-turn-off-the-lights kind of fear we are all used to. Sure, since I've become a follower of Christ, I've done my best to be reverent of my God, trying not to provoke or anger Him.

But recently, He's shown me what it really means to fear Him.

For the past few months, during my prayer time, I've felt that God has told me to be a "prayer center". Now, the first few times I heard this, I was confused as to what a "prayer center" meant. After weeks following, I realized that He was calling me into a lifestyle change of being in constant communication with Him. I believe He wanted me to pray not only constantly but with conviction and expectation. Previous to this, I thought I had already been doing that. But it wasn't until this past semester that I really started to see how God was not only answering prayers, but He was being responsive to very specific prayers and situations. Theoretically, I suppose I knew that God knew my every want and desire, but I don't think I knew that by me simply bringing them to Him, in full surrender, that He would be pleased with that. 

Isaiah 36 talks about how God was wished to bless and protect His people because they prayed to Him with that same conviction He was calling me to. He performed ineffable miracles in order to show the love He had for His people. I see the same response from my God today.

The reason this new found prayer life inspired this fear of the Lord: God answered some prayers I never thought would be answered. Some are too personal for me to really display. He very quickly showed me that when I pray with the belief that He can do anything, He makes Himself more glorious to me. 

I fear Him because I can now more clearly see how He really can do anything and will listen to His children. I am more aware of the words I use when I pray, for I know the impact they might have. I see His power more dramatically portrayed now more than ever, and I am straight up scared of what He is capable of. I want the Lord to hear me, but even more, I want to hear Him. He has made so many things known to me by answering prayer. 

To Him be the glory, for He is The Miracle-Worker, Father, Teacher, Comforter.

I am honored to have the opportunity to watch Him move.

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