Recently, I've felt the Lord call me back into the Word.
I have not sat down and read my Bible in far too long.
Sure, I pray and I read devotionals. I watch sermons and I journal.
But I haven't read the Word as fervently as I should.
All too often, I rely on what I already know.
Sometimes, I don't pursue Knowledge and Truth because I feel I already know enough.
Now, as I am typing, I recognize this as none other than an attack of the enemy.
The evil one, Satan, who takes and takes and actively opposes me.
He tells me that I needn't read my Bible,
Because I am busy,
Or I already know that passage,
Or I have other things to do.
But, as I am realizing once again, the Word gives life,
For it is alive and well!
There is no other feeling on this planet comparable to when I am reading Truth.
I feel complete, centered, eyes fixed on the One who saves.
He pulled me back to basics, into Romans.
Even re-reading chapters and books I've read before
Gives me new perspective, a new "filling-up".
Every chapter is a new message that I need to hear.
He speaks clearly to me in these Words.
As I contemplate how to address sin in my life, He gives me, "But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code" (Romans 7:6)
As I worry about events that have yet to occur,
He provides me with the Words: "...neither death nor life, nor angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future...will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39)
And just as a finish reading Romans 8,
A singular thunder clap in the sky resounds,
Almost as an exclamation point to His Word,
Casting my attention, my heart, onto Truth once again.
His provision is everywhere.
He reaches out His hand always.
Oh, to be in the care of the Most High.
A child of the God of Thunder, Truth, Redemption.
What more shall I desire?