Time: an uncontrollable conundrum.
We've organized it brilliantly,
Keeping tabs on it, controlling it,
But all the labels in the world can't help the fact
That time goes on without a care of what we think about it.
Whether or not we call the light "day"
Or lay our heads down at "night",
Time will do as it pleases,
Either vastly oblivious we have tried to contain it
Or fully aware that we keep it tied up.
But between each tick and tock,
There are moments that live in between time,
Moments that cannot be captured by a time frame
Or an exact hour.
Sometimes, life takes a surprising amount of time.
Falling in love took no time at all.
Time was irrelevant when I called him my friend,
When we walked side by side and thought of nothing in particular,
Time passed without me watching,
Life happened without me counting.
Three days time was all it took;
In three days time, I fell in love with my best friend.
Not an astonishing amount of "time" had transpired,
But astonishing moments have been happening since,
Outside the confines of time, almost cosmic.
With him, I look up and say,
"You've really outdone Yourself."
Together, we say,
"Help us be more like You."
Never in all my time did I think I deserved that kind of love.
Now, as I take my imaginary reigns of time,
(For I know I have no say in it's pace),
I long to speed it up;
To race through to the milestones,
To avoid every time I am alone.
But what have I now but endless Time?
With my Almighty God, I am limited only by this earthly body.
All the Love and Time I have to give comes from Above,
For he is the Holder of Time; He wears Time on a pendant
And does not dictate how we choose to use His Time.
I will be forever grateful to my God,
For with His Time,
He has allowed me to love and be loved.
He has given me love that I do not deserve.
I will spend my time praising His gracious name.
"But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day." 2 Peter 3:8