Summer (The Journey) 2014 Blog
Let’s just begin this by saying that I am incredibly
blessed. It seems that just a few short months ago, I had no idea what I would
be doing this summer. I figured that I would have a repeat of my last summer,
staying somewhere for 3 months, taking a couple classes, and working some
minimum wage job. I accepted this as my fate, despite the tingling in my
travel-hungry bones. “I want to LIVE,” I kept reeling in my head, “before I
REALLY have to start acting like an adult.” Ah, how young adulthood is so
This repetitious summer quickly turned spectacular.
Unprecedented. Unbelievable, really. Within a few weeks, my summer plans
solidified. God must’ve looked down on me and said, “Ok, kiddo. Just in case
you weren’t ABSOLUTELY sure that I love you, here’s an incredible 3 months for
And so it begins. Here, I will document the memories, meals,
meaningful conversations and the like of my Summer 2014 (which I have
endearingly began to call “The Journey”.) The following is a line-up of the
places and faces I will have the pleasure of viewing over the next 80 days:
My uncle Mike’s wedding in Reading, Pennsylvania
My friends Ashley and Nathan's wedding in Destin, Florida
My grandparents’ 50th wedding
anniversary in Sarasota, FL (if you haven’t caught on yet, LOVE is a big theme
of the summer’s excursions!)
Moving to Germany (whuuut?) and spending a
several days exploring Europe
Studying abroad with Baylor in Austria in
Returning to Waco, Texas for Community Leader
(CL) fall training
Between these 6 bullet points lies an adventure. Countless
cities, numerous states, three countries, and innumerable flights to and from
each point—journeys begetting more journeys, memories manifesting more
memories. My deepest desire for this summer is that I be present in each of
these moments, soaking up every little conversation, every little sight— to
treat each day (and every day, for that matter) as a divine appointment. It’s
going to be quite a ride.
Father, I pray for a
heart of thankfulness, a heart that remembers that I did nothing to deserve
these blessings, but that I am merely an object standing in the midst of Your
presence. You give so freely and so lavishly. Guard my mind from giving into
thoughts of worry, especially regarding the things I cannot control. I pray for
Your wisdom and guidance as I keep my eyes open to what You may be teaching me
in this season. You are so good, Lord. I trust You, I love you.
Day 1: Denver International Airport (Present: Mom, Dani,
Kristin, Me, Devon, and Danielle)
Well holy smokes. If there ever was a more inconvenient day
to book a flight, it would be May 21st out of Denver. Not only was
there severe tornados in the area, but intense hailstorms, too. Airports are
already filled with people on edge— now imagine those same people, but all in a
dizzy about how the weather was “a bad omen”.
Admittedly, there was an air of uneasiness as people watched our family
of 6 cart through the airport with 7 checked bags, individual carry-ons, and 2
weather-frightened daughters.
Surprisingly, our flight wasn’t too delayed. We did fly
through a lightning storm, which was TERRIFYING, but so incredibly cool. The
clouds around us lit up, giving light to the vastness of a midnight sky. God’s
majesty was displayed out there, man. I kept repeating things like, “GOD IS SO
COOl!” while others around me offered a timid, “is this dangerous…?” I guess we
all have our own reactions.
We landed at the Wilmington airport in Delaware, the
tiniest, dinkiest little airport you ever did see. We walked to our hotel with
all our luggage, stumbling around in the dark. Luckily the place was only about
100 feet from the terminal. Kristin, Devon, and I shared a room for the
evening. After the day we endured, we all fell asleep without any troubles.
Kristin, Me, Devon, Evan, and Danielle |
Day 2:
Each day just gets more and more interesting. Upon arriving
into Reading, Pennsylvania from Delaware, we encounter a hailstorm. This was
not just any hailstorm—oh no. Luckily we were safely inside our hotel room by
the time the golf ball-sized chucks came whirring to the earth, shattering
every windshield in sight. After the storm passed, nearly everyone in the hotel
was in the parking lot, on the phone with their insurance company, cursing the
sky or even cursing each other.
Whilst in the lobby, I happened to meet my future
aunt-in-law, Amber. I recognized her from our many social media exchanges. She
was frazzled because she and my uncle Mike were going to miss their wedding
rehearsal. Thankfully, all was sorted out. It was nice to support and encourage
each other as a first impression due to the stress the storm brought. It’s
amazing how seemingly wicked things can be used as tools for bonding.
The dinner was wonderful, and as my uncle Mike put it, “the
best night of my life, until tomorrow.” Seeing my family all in one place,
taking pictures that were long overdue, having a blast just being around each
other, was all so refreshing and life-giving. I gave and received so many
hugs—my heart is full!
Tomorrow begins the happenings for the wedding—hair and
makeup appointments, dresses, manicures, miscellaneous errands, transportation
and being on call in case Amber needs anything! And then, of course, soaking up
all the fun of the wedding itself. 2 days down.
Lord, thank you for
family. Thank you for the joy of merely being in the presence of a loved one,
and thank you for the feeling of warmth from a smile across the room. Thank you
for your provision and for your majesty, displayed in the weather and in the
recovery of the same. You are so much grander than our plans and scheduling.
Thank you for reminding us to be humble and attentive to Your will.
Day 3:
The wedding was divine! Oh, how lovely it is to see family
and good friends after so long. The ceremony was pleasant—outdoor and quaint.
The reception was quite the party, and we danced the night away. After the day
of crazy yesterday, it was so good to finally have good weather and plans
running smoothly. Everyone looked so good! I feel like I've known Amber for years; she fits into our family seamlessly! She is so kind, caring, and so much fun! She's the perfect match for one of the greatest guys I know, Uncle Mike.
Amber and Mike, exchanging rings |
Can’t wait for the rest of this time in PA. I'll get to see so many family members I haven't seen in years! So pumped!
My beautiful Mommy |
Day 6:
(In the Philly airport waiting to get to Ft. Walton Beach)
The trip to the East Coast was so great. Can’t believe my
time there is already over! I saw so many people that I’ve loved my whole life,
some for half, and some I met that weekend that I already love! The family reunion for Lexi’s birthday was so
perfect. Lots of people, good food, perfect weather, lots of room to run
around. It was so good to finally see my immediate family mingling, giving and receiving love. I’m so glad the girls and I finally got to vacation together!They look good in PA!
It’s been a little rough for me, especially yesterday.
Feelings of rejection started to settle in and I began to second guess some
decisions. After a lot of counsel and love, I was reassured that I have
recently made good decisions, and that looking for a pathway of destruction only
hurts me in the end, not the people who have hurt me. I’ve been praying so much
about this. Mostly I am so thankful that I was with loving people as I went
through this issue.
Lord, thank you for
Your goodness. You are so indescribably protecting and giving, and You look out
for every one of my needs. I live for your Kingdom—show me how I can be used by
You, how I can exude Your love, not my own doubts and opinions. Hold me in Your
almighty hands, move me at Your will.
Day 10:
It sure is great to be back in Fort Walton Beach, FL! The
sights, the sounds—it’s all coming back to me! I am fortunate enough to be
staying with the Acocks, two of the nicest people I’ve ever met. They are so
generous, always asking what they can do for me. I hope to be this hospitable
in the future!
I’ve been spending lots of time with the other bridesmaids,
and they are so great! I knew Ashley had a good judge of character J It is so good to be
around other young, Christian women who want to soak up this vacation and tend
to Ashley’s needs as much as I do. We are all so excited to see her get
Alissa, Ashley, Rose, and JoAnn |
So far, we’ve gone to the beach quite a bit, watched TV, and
ate. But for the latter half of the week we've done nothing but partake in wedding
preparations! Arranging flowers, tying bows on chairs, nail appointments, running errands, the works. Last night was the bachelorette party, which consisted of
dinner at McGuire’s, getting lost between Fort Walton and Destin, an awesome
playlist (created by yours truly), and some other shenanigans which are
strictly kept secret. After all the
planning and running around, it was so good to be able to just have fun with
these incredible women!
Today is the bridal luncheon, then probably more setting up
at the church. We all need a restful night, since call time tomorrow for the
big day is 8:30am! Can’t believe she’s getting married!
Ashley and Nathan Howell |
Ashley and
Nathan were married today! After over year of planning, a long few days of
prepping, and an excitement-filled morning, I can’t believe it’s already over!
The Howells are now off on their honeymoon, and the church is devoid of purple
and teal decorations once more. I have made some new friends, and will cherish
the memories I have with these amazing people!
I have
stood by Ashley as a friend for years, and today, I stood by her to witness her
first moments of marriage. It’s hard for a girl not to think about who she will
one day stand with at the alter, exchanging vows and rings. But my heart is set
with the Lord, the one who has already given me my forever. He says “I do”
every day, and the best days are the days in which I rejoice in that truth. He
has proven His love for me in so many ways, and definitely shown me His love
through the love surrounding me today. I saw Him everywhere.
Ashley and Nathan! May today be the first of many incredible memories of your
marriage. I am so thrilled I could be there to take it in!
Father, thank You for
the gift of companionship. Thank you for not leaving us to go through this life
alone. Thank you not only for love in marriage, but love in friends and family.
Your love shines through the people closest to us, and my deepest desire is to
spread that love as thick and as far as I can. You are so good, God.
Day 15: Sarasota, FL
At my grandparents' house, I truly feel like I'm at home. So much of my life has been spent within these walls, surrounded by decades of memories and stories, not to mention endless pictures of my dad throughout his youth and teenage years. Wow, what a stunner he was!
I feel young again when I sit outside on the lanai, listening to Grammi talk about the old days in New York, watching the white herons sneak around the edges of the lake. I operate every latch, every switch, every twist and turn of this house with expertise; I know that every utensil in the kitchen has its particular place, and I know exactly what time our favorite shows grace the television.
It's routine, it's unchanging, yet it's beautiful. I still never known the quick-witted, hysterical lines Grammi will utter, her New York accent dripping from every word. But I can count on her spunk, her wisdom. My grandfather, always working hard, but always ready to join the fun with his unfiltered, I-can't-believe-you-just-said-that humor. I love them, and just being here makes me content.
My family is here in Sarasota because my grandparents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Who would have thought, the young couple who met on a blind date in New York would be forever known as the Beckers. Everyone who is in this house this week is here as a result of a blind date. Grammi always says how completely unexpectedly Grandpa came along. And fifty years later, I get to observe how completely amazing the unexpected can be.